Hey big spender, the house just informed me of your big win and sent me up here with a bottle of bubbly to celebrate! I can see you haven’t wasted any time enjoying your winnings. Why don’t you let me take a photo of you rolling around on your chips, it might turn out better than a selfie. And let me guess, you plan to share your winnings by visiting a strip club? Well, why don’t I take care of all of that for you. I’ll give you a little lap dance and take some snapshots of you in all your glory. Go on, finish up your drink for me and then I’ll putitty the chips in a safe place.
Bottoms up!
You aren’t looking so hot. In fact you aren’t looking good at all… why don’t you letitty me take those clips and puttity them where they are safe while you take a little rest.

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